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Pantheon Systems React Kit

React components built with DaisyUI, a Tailwindcss library, for use in metaframework packages like nextjs-kit and gatsby-kit, or on its own.


To install this package to use in your application, install it and its peer dependencies:

npm install @pantheon-systems/react-kit react react-dom
npm install tailwindcss daisyui -D


Modules can be imported or required from the @pantheon-systems/react-kit package. For example, to use the Button component:

import { Button } from '@pantheon-systems/react-kit/Button';

API Reference

To see the API reference for @pantheon-systems/react-kit, visit our docs site


Please see the Contributing guide in our monorepo

Development Notes

  • the rk prefix is used for tailwindcss and daisyui classes