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Before You Begin

The Pantheon next-wordpress-starter uses Next.js and has been tested using nodejs v16 with npm v8.

Why Use The Next.js WordPress Starter?

The next-wordpress-starter is designed as a starting point to for a Next.js site that consumes data from a WordPress backend - specifically a WordPress backend configured with the pantheon-decoupled and wp-graphql plugins installed.

The starter has a dependency on the @pantheon-systems/wordpress-kit, which includes some helpers that maximize any available features of the WordPress backend.

Creating A New Project With The Template

To create a project using the latest version of the Next WordPress Starter, use our create-pantheon-decoupled-kit npm package.

The full documentation for the create-pantheon-decoupled-kit can be found here.

Before you continue, familiarize yourself with our Next Wordpress add-ons, a suite of optional project expansions that bring new components, features, and styling into your starter kit.

To create a new project using create-pantheon-decoupled-kit:

  1. In your terminal, run the following command:
npm init pantheon-decoupled-kit -- next-wp
  1. Follow the prompts in your terminal to complete the setup.

Next Steps

See the rest of the Next.js + WordPress documentation for more information on setting environment variables and customizing your new project!