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WordPress Advanced Custom Fields Next.js Add-on

This add-on uses GraphQL to bring in a custom related content data type that was created with Advanced Custom Fields, or ACF. After adding the next-wp-acf-addon, our starter kit will have a related content section that displays at the bottom of post detail pages, if related posts are specified on the related WordPress post. Examples of querying and using data from ACF will be added to your project.

Before You Begin


Adding the next-wp-acf-addon to an Existing Project

  1. Use the create command to initiate the cli with the next-wp-acf-addon generator
    # set the `outDir` to the root directory of your existing Next WordPress Starter
    npm create pantheon-decoupled-kit next-wp-acf-addon --outDir ./my-app-dir
  2. Follow the terminal prompts, accept the project diff changes
  3. Start your project locally and observe the new related content section that displays at the bottom of post detail pages

Building a New Project with the next-wp-acf-addon

  1. Use the create command to initiate the cli with both the next-wp and next-wp-acf-addon generators
    npm create pantheon-decoupled-kit next-wp next-wp-acf-addon
  2. Continue through the prompts until all actions finish running
  3. Add the necessary environment variables in .env.development.local and start your project locally. Observe the new related content section that displays at the bottom of post detail pages

Fetching Data From a Custom Field

Accessing data within your custom fields is a simple process that closely resembles a standard GraphQL query.

To query a custom field, you will reference your custom field group as an object, then fill in that object with each individual custom field name.

Below is an example of how to query a Post which has a custom field data. In this case, the custom field group is titled acfDemoFields, and has fields acfTextField, acfFeaturedImage, and acfContent:

const query = gql`
query PostBySlugQuery($uriString: ID!) {
post(id: $uriString, idType: URI) {
acfDemoFields {
acfFeaturedImage {