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Differences Between SSG, ISR, and SSR

Before You Begin

This document is meant to supplement Next.js documentation as a quick comparison of Next.js's Static Site Generation (SSG), Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) and Server Side Rendering (SSR) modes in the context of Pantheon, and some common use cases for each. This document will not cover client side rendering (CSR).

See the Next.js overview on data fetching for more information on each rendering mode.

What Is Static Site Generation (SSG)?

A static page in Next.js is a React component exported from a file under the pages directory that has data fetching inside of getStaticProps—which is also exported from the same file—or no data fetching at all. Static pages are generated at build time. Static pages utilizing dynamic routing and getStaticProps must also export a getStaticPaths function, which is used to specify the exact path for the static content. See the official getStaticPaths documentation for more information.

Static pages can be served with next export without a Node.js server, however, many of the features that make Next.js worth using are not enabled this way and we do not recommend it.

Common Use Cases

  • Pages with content that is the same for all users
  • Pages that can be publicly cached
  • Pages that does not require data from an outside source

What Is Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)?

It is possible to update static pages after they have been built with new content by utilizing Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR). To enable ISR, add the revalidate prop to getStaticProps. The revalidate prop defines the number of seconds that the server will wait before rerunning getStaticProps. This is known as stale-while-revalidate

What Is Server Side Rendering (SSR)?

A dynamic page in Next.js is a React component exported from a file under the pages directory that has data fetching inside of getServerSideProps. Dynamic pages are generated at request time.

Common Use Cases

  • Pages that are user specific
  • Pages that require authentication
  • Pages requiring data fetched at request time

Summary Of Differences

  • Next.js pages can export an async function, getStaticProps or getServerSideProps, which runs on the server and returns props to the component on the client side
  • SSG'd pages fetch data at build time using getStaticProps or do not have any data fetching at all
  • ISR'd pages are SSG pages that refetch data after a given revalidate time has expired
  • SSR'd pages fetch data at the time the page is requested

Implementing Next.js Data Fetching

For a walk-through of fetching data with getStaticProps and getServerSideProps, see Your First Next.js & Drupal Customization or Your First Next.js & WordPress Customization, or look through the next-drupal-starter or next-wordpress-starter for a starting point or inspiration